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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
KROAK STUDIYO +microphones 41
LUXOR micropoint 16
STREAME USFG microprocessor 10
micropur-CAS 11, 37
micropur-MBR 11, 37
MARUTI microrefined 29
micros 16, 18, 24, 25, 35
microscope 25
microscope & drop 44
microscope & leaf 5
microscope drop & hands 44
AAKASH PATH LAB +microscope 44
ACGS +diamond & microscope 42
AMIN +microscope & square 42
AVISHKAR +microscope & oval 1, 5
BIOCHEM +microscope 10
CDC +microscope & cross 42
DEKHO SAMJHO +microscope 35, 41
DUROSIL +microscope 9
GAUTAM +cross & microscope 42
GIGRC GRADE +microscope 14
microscope 42
HLC +microscope 44
HRDL +microscope & arcs 42
JAINLABS +microscope 9
KAMATH'S +microscope & oval 42
KAPOOR'S +microscope 42
LABAPPARA +microscope & arc 9
LABGO +microscope 9
LABTEX +microscope 42
microscope 41, 42, 44
MICON +microscope & plant 1
MODERN +microscope & square 42
NAFARI +microscope & globe 42
NEC PATH +microscope 1, 5, 9, 10, 35
NRPL +microscope 41
NSR DIAGNOSTICS +microscope 44
OMEGA india +microscope ova 9
PATH KIND LABS +microscope 5, 42, 44
PATH PLANET +microscope arc 44
PROMINO MICON +microscope 1
Q +microscope 42
R RELOX +microscope 42, 44
RED CELL +microscope & face 42
S ENTEROVAR +microscope 5
SCIENCE UTSAV +microscope 41
SGL +microscope 42
SGL +microscope & squares 42
SOLUMIKS +leaf & microscope 5
SPERM VISICN +microscope 9
SRL +microscope 42
microscope 44
STERLING +microscope square 9
SUN-TECH +microscope 42
SWASTIK +bird & microscope 44
UB TECH +microscope 10
c +microscope 16
labzyme +microscope 1
leaf & microscope 5
CODMAN microsensor 5
ELKEM microsilica 1
microsoft +arcs 18
microsoft TRILOGY 9
GREEN microsystems 9, 16
PC microsystems 9
SMART microsystems 9
SUN microsystems 9, 16
sun microsystems SOLARIS 9
microtech enterprises ME 16
M microtek +circles 9
VECTRA hcg microtiter wells 5
EUROWAVE microwave cooking 9, 11, 21
WAVELENGTH bpl microwave 11
mid WEST 34
mid day tea +cup & saucer 30
mid-day's weekly PORTFOLIO 16
ALLEN SOLLY mid waist +deer 25
BSE mid-cap 35, 36
MEIFA mid east indian film 41
mida's curry paste +buildin 30
AA midas +circle 12
RELIANCE midas 42
PM paramount middle east 11
I @ CONNECT middleware 9
BAJAJ midea +circle 11
BAJAJ midea +eye & oval 11
KAIRO midi products 10
mids MISCHIEF +oval & face 16
JS 6013 mied steel welding 9
IU miesu +arcs & circle 35
mig TOKA 7
mig-8 5
miglani's MIRCHI +cartoons 30
MI miglani super +star 9
DOLIMEX migraine 5
ID migraine +sun 16
DOLZERO migrn 5
mikado vehicle wash +car 3
mikasu's CHEM CEM 2
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